Auxiliary Aids & Services Guidance
The following procedures are in place:
• All teachers are provided with a copy of each students 504 plan or IEP
• 504 plans and IEPs are reviewed annually or more often if needed by site and district personnel, parents/guardians and students to ensure that 504 Plans and IEPs are implemented.
• ECHS teachers meet each semester with parent(s) and student to determine which courses (including electives) student will take. Most of our coursework is done in an independent study fashion with one-on-on meetings with a teacher so most needs can be met within that setting. However, a few of our classes are hybrid with a group lesson followed by individual independent work. The classroom teacher will immediately notify the principal and office manager by e-mail if a student is taking a course (including electives) which will require auxiliary aids, accommodations or services.
• The Principal or School Psychologist will immediately notify the district office if the situation requires district assistance to fulfill the accommodation, auxiliary aids or service’s needs. If no assistance is needed, the situation will be handled by the school.
• Questions or concerns should be sent by email to the Principal and/or the assigned School Psychologist.